How does having a rare neuroimmune disorder impact care relationships?

We’ve discussed care as a concept, including what it looks like and the effort it takes. Next, I’d like to discuss how having a rare neuroimmune disorder can impact care relationships.

Although to care is a choice, it’s not one people always make. Having a rare neuroimmune disorder means your life is different, and the way you go about living is changed from the way it was before. Some people don’t understand that, or are not willing to work with your new level of ability. This can result in relationship strain, or in some cases, relationship loss. 

However, there are wonderful people out there who stick it out. These are people who can see you as more than your illness, and these are people who recognize the challenges and are willing to walk the path beside you, even when it’s difficult. 

I felt that the following articles help depict the changes that occur in care relationships post-diagnosis. I invite you to read along!