Adapt-Ability Series Highlights Tools for Independence

What big or small things do you do to improve your life? Are there different strategies or activities that help you in your day to day? How have technology, tools, and “hacks” impacted your ability to do things independently?

After a rare neuroimmune diagnosis, life can change drastically. People living with ADEM, AFM, MOGAD, NMOSD, ON, and TM adapt in unique ways to meet their daily challenges.

That’s why SRNA, The Guthy-Jackson Charitable Foundation, and The MOG Project have collaborated to create Adapt-Ability—a video series where members of our community share practical solutions that help them navigate life with independence.

Through Adapt-Ability, the rare neuroimmune disorders community can exchange valuable information and personal insights into living their best lives and regaining independence after a life-changing diagnosis.

Meet the Adapt-Ability Contributors

GG became a quadriplegic from Transverse Myelitis and shares how she navigates her home, from turning keys to managing lighting. She calls her wheelchair her “tool of freedom” and highlights how power-assist wheels support her mobility.

Sarah uses the Bioness L300 Plus System and Dynamic Tape to help with gait issues, drop foot, and nerve pain caused by TM. In her video, she demonstrates how these tools help her walk up stairs with more ease.

Andrea lost her vision due to MOGAD and uses Envision Glasses, a tool designed for individuals with low or no vision. She demonstrates how it helps her identify grocery items and navigate her daily life. “There is help for all of us, we just have to reach out and find those resources,” Andrea says.

Monica has NMOSD and experiences balance difficulties. In her video, she shares how using a cane supports her mobility and explains why overcoming the stigma around assistive devices is so important.

Leah has lived with NMOSD since 1989 and demonstrates J-SAY technology, which allows individuals who are blind to control their computers without a keyboard or mouse.

Becca partially lost her vision due to MOGAD. She shares everyday strategies for using her phone and computer, navigating crowded places, and dealing with low lighting.

Have you found a tool or strategy that has helped you adapt? We’d love to hear from you! Share your experience by emailing us at [email protected].

March is NMOSD Awareness Month, a time to amplify stories, raise awareness, and support those living with NMOSD. Many of the adaptations shared in the Adapt-Ability series reflect the resilience and creativity of people navigating NMOSD and other rare neuroimmune disorders. No matter how much time you have, you can make an impact this month—learn how to get involved here.