Find Your “Can Do” Spirit to Energize Relationships and Emotional Well-Being

By George Huhta   

Do you sometimes feel troubled or depressed, but struggle to find a way to express it to others? Do you wish the people in your life could better understand your symptoms and difficulties? Sharing feelings, bringing up difficult topics, resolving conflicts, or asking for help can be challenging for all of us.  

But you can do it…and SRNA wants to help you learn how.  

SRNA is once again hosting a virtual four-part coaching series starting in August for adults who have been diagnosed with a rare neuroimmune disorder (ADEM, AFM, MOGAD, NMOSD, ON, and TM), their parents, care partners, and loved ones.  

In partnership with Can Do Multiple Sclerosis (CDMS), a national nonprofit organization providing education, resources, and support for people with Multiple Sclerosis, this four-part virtual series is designed to strengthen relationships and build emotional well-being. Each web session provides a space where you can problem-solve with others facing the same challenges and lean on healthcare professionals to guide you toward solutions.  

Kathy Costello, COO of CDMS, remarks on the potential benefits of participating in the series, “The whole idea is to help people strategize how to make behavior change and how to persist with it so that they feel better. They feel better in their quality of life and their overall health and wellness. They may feel more confident in managing symptoms, or in having conversations with their loved ones and their healthcare providers.”  

The topics in the four-week Coaching Series are:  

  • Communication Impacts Relationships Tuesday, August 6, 2024 12:00-1:15pm ET  
  • Build, Maintain, and Strengthen Your Support Network Tuesday, August 13, 2024 @ 12:00-1:15pm ET  
  • Who Am I Now? Navigating Role Changes  – Tuesday, August 20, 2024 @ 12:00-1:15pm ET  
  • Strategies for Managing Unpredictability in Your LifeTuesday, August 27, 2024 @ 12:00-1:15pm ET  

With each topic, attendees will identify how it impacts their lives, prioritize what they want to focus on, and then develop goals and strategies to move forward and maintain the behavior change.  

“Our community shares so much experience with the MS community it’s only fitting that we come together and learn from one another.” shares Rebecca Whitney, SRNA’s Associate Director of Programs and Community Support. “We’re grateful to Can Do MS for partnering with us to share their unique programs with even more individuals facing neuroimmune disorders.”  

Join this one-of-a-kind small group program to learn how you can take charge of your relationships, your healthcare, and your life. Leave empowered to take action for your wellness, manage your symptoms, and find your own way to thrive. Register today!  

Please note that by registering for this series, you agree to attend all four sessions. Each session will build upon the last.