Ode to Teresa by Jodi Hastings

In June 2023, Teresa Shiner recognized her 10th anniversary of living with Transverse Myelitis (TM) with her Rowing the Reservoirs for Recovery challenge. Learn more about the challenge here. This poem is dedicated to Teresa for her incredible work.

Roses are red, violets are blue.

Yo dear Teresa, this ode is for you.

You took on TM and beat it back.

You committed to row 8 reservoirs and did not slack!

Teresa rowed and raised funds for the SRNA,

Everyone else, a small role did play.

#1 was Nilan reservoir 

A smile on my face

As Teresa so graciously

Shared this awesome place.

Willow (reservoir) was 2nd

A storm was abrew,

This did not stop Teresa or her able crew.

The winds were a gust, made shelter a must.

Teresa got row done,

And we moved on to more fun.

Gibson Reservoir is nature at its best.

What a long row, Teresa this did not test.

She saw many a cove and scouted all rivers. 

A few boats on the water did not make her quiver.

Mike and I walked the shoreline, 

We were hot in the sun.

We all took a dip when Teresa was done.

#4 was Pishkun (reservoir)

It was surrounded by green (fields).

Lots of bird noise with Teresa’s green board and

Orange top on the scene.

Mike took out the guitar and I took a hike,

Teresa had a long row, no other the like.

#5 was Eureka, 

Teresa’s sister Jamie was there.

The weather turned stormy; we took to our chairs.

Alas, storm did pass and Teresa got in her row.

Over the hump a mere 3 more to go!

#6 was Bynum reservoir 

Right up by the front.

Ooh a bit windy, Teresa did not punt

Teresa rowed the water, I walked the ground

We only hoped each other would be found.

It was still windy but Teresa did appear

Of course! There was nothing to fear.

#7 was Swift Reservoir

I think this was my fave.

Another long row with nature arave.

I walked and Teresa rowed,

Water was a flow,

We both saw Birch Creek –

Me above and Teresa below.

So very lovely country,

And we took a swim.

Nothing was planned,

Twas all on a whim.

#8 was Lake Frances

Down by Valier.

Birds quite a cacophony,

And all did appear.

8:08(am) was the sendoff –

Seven already done.

Ed, Mike, and I tried to be ready,

To kick off the fun.

Teresa rowed and she rowed, 

On the water she did fly!

What an accomplishment,

No need to sigh.

My friend did not weaken, 

She took on the task.

Her enjoyment, her strength, she did not mask.

Those who know Teresa are the luckiest souls.

TM only encouraged her to fill ALL of life’s bowls.

Teresa rowed the 8 waters, her energy abound.

A person with such drive is hard to be found.

So, here’s to Teresa, thanks for letting us share

A small way for us to let you know that we care!!!

Our “In Their Own Words” blog posts represent the views of the author of the blog post and do not necessarily represent the views of SRNA.