SRNA Announces Two New Programs With Can Do MS

In August, we announced our partnership with Can Do Multiple Sclerosis (CDMS) to bring two new programs to SRNA community members this Fall: A Coaching Series on Relationships & Communication and the TAKE CHARGE® Program. 

“Reaching out to SRNA was easy for me. First of all, I’ve known Chitra Krishnan for years because of our work at Hopkins, and so it was delightful to me to have the opportunity to reach out to her and then to meet the others.” shares Kathy Costello, Chief Operating Officer of CDMS in a recent interview. “I can’t tell you how happy I am with the collaboration between the two organizations and to be philosophically on the same page and realizing that what we have to offer can be beneficial to so many.”

CDMS has been delivering programs to the MS community for nearly 40 years. As a non-profit that provides health and wellness education, coaching support, and resources for people with MS and their support partners, we could not be prouder to collaborate with them on the expansion of these programs for those in the rare neuroimmune disorders community. 

“It’s exciting to bring Can Do’s approach of empowering individuals to lead their healthcare through connections in small group settings with dedicated expert coaches and medical providers. This program is focused on education and support, specifically addressing the health and wellness arena for a person diagnosed with a rare neuroimmune disorder. This includes symptom management post-diagnosis, addressing mental health concerns, navigating health clinic systems, and communications with our own loved ones about the impacts of the diagnoses. Our community shares so much experience with the MS community it’s only fitting that we come together and learn from one another.” shares Rebecca Whitney, SRNA’s Associate Director of Programs and Community Support. “We’re grateful to Can Do for partnering with us to share their unique programs with even more individuals facing neuroimmune disorders.”

About The Programs

Coaching Series

This is a virtual 4-part coaching series to build on your communication skills and strengthen your relationships. During Coaching, you’ll meet a small group of people who are on similar journeys as you. Together, you’ll learn from one another and your Can Do Coach® to set goals, create plans of action, and make real changes for your life. 

“In any case, the whole idea is to help people strategize how to make that behavior change and how to persist with it so that they feel better in their quality of life, their overall health and wellness, feel more confident in managing symptoms, and maybe even more confident in having conversations with their loved ones as well as their healthcare providers.” shares Kathy.

The first session begins Monday, October 9 at 6:00 p.m. EST. You can view the full schedule and sign up here. 


Find support from people who really get it, solutions to manage your disease, and guidance for navigating the healthcare system. Join this one-of-a-kind program to learn how you can take charge of your disease, your healthcare, and your life. At this program, you’ll be empowered to take action for your wellness, manage your symptoms, and find your own way to thrive. 

“The idea is not to have someone tell you or lecture you. It’s to provide information that the group can discuss and use their collective experience and expertise to identify issues, priorities, and then identify solutions, like what have you learned in your life with whatever it is that can help others.” shares Kathy.

The next program begins Thursday, November 30 at 6:00 p.m. EST. We highly encourage your support partner (spouse, significant other, family member, friend) to attend with you. Often support partners discover a new sense of understanding and connection that they can’t find anywhere else. You can learn more and apply here. 

Watch the full discussion with Kathy below to hear more of her perspective on the two programs and what to expect. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at [email protected]. We’ll be happy to assist!