The Power of Community: Becca’s Story

Meet Becca.

Meet Becca. Becca’s relentless pursuit of answers led to her diagnosis of MOG Antibody Disease in 2016, before the test for this condition became widely available. Her story is one of perseverance and the quest for knowledge in the face of uncertainty. Becca’s journey illustrates the importance of research, advocacy, and the collective strength of our community.

When asked how SRNA impacted her journey, Becca shared: “SRNA has connected me with so many amazing, thoughtful, inspiring people within the rare disease community. My time at SRNA’s family camp the last two years were some of the best weeks of my life. It is truly magical to be around people who understand the complex world of rare disease. I am incredibly grateful for SRNA and the important work they do. Without the help of donors, we would not be where we are today in terms of having a diagnostic test and a team of researchers committed to understanding MOGAD and its impact on patients. SRNA is focused on improving care for many rare diseases that are often overlooked by the general medical community. Donations to SRNA support research, patient advocacy, the creation of community, and ongoing education.” 

Thank you, Becca, for inviting us into your life and allowing us to document your story and share it with our community. There has been no better way to celebrate 30 years of SRNA than by spending time with community members like Becca.  

As we reflect on the past 30 years, we recognize that SRNA is where we are today because of our community. In honor of our 30th, we are sharing six stories from members of our community who have shaped our collective journey. Their stories highlight the challenges, triumphs, and determination of those living with rare neuroimmune disorders. Through these stories, we are celebrating the resilience, power, and togetherness that define who we are. Visit to check out the next five stories we’ve filmed of members of our community as they release in upcoming weeks.

Hand in hand with these stories, we are excited to announce our 30th Anniversary Matching Campaign. Until the end of 2024, your donation will be doubled across all fundraisers and donations thanks to the generosity of SRNA’s board of directors, who will match every dollar raised up to $200,000. Your gift will directly support our mission to empower, educate, and support those affected by rare neuroimmune disorders. By contributing, you are making it possible for more individuals like Becca to thrive.