The Power of Community: Francisco’s Story

Meet Francisco.

Francisco was just three years old when he was diagnosed with acute flaccid myelitis in 2016. His journey highlights the challenges faced by young children diagnosed with these conditions and their families, and the profound impact of early diagnosis and community support. Francisco’s courage and the strength of his family exemplify the heart of our community.

When asked how SRNA impacted Francisco’s journey, his family shared: “It has mostly helped Francisco see that there are many different disorders out there and that he is not the only one. The stories give him hope and let him know he is not alone in this. He needs that connection and to know that someone has the same feelings he has and is living through them as well. That is powerful, and in his preteen developing brain, it is priceless to know that early on. SRNA educates our communities on an international scale. The message of rare disorders and how to cause real impact is needed. Supporting SRNA will impact the world and change lives for the better—no better reason to support and donate.”

Thank you, Francisco and family, for inviting us into your lives and allowing us to document your story and share it with our community. There has been no better way to celebrate 30 years of SRNA than by spending time with community members like Francisco. 

As we reflect on the past 30 years, we recognize that SRNA is where we are today because of our community. In honor of our 30th, we are sharing six stories from members of our community who have shaped our collective journey. Their stories highlight the challenges, triumphs, and determination of those living with rare neuroimmune disorders. Through these stories, we are celebrating the resilience, power, and togetherness that define who we are. Visit to check out the next five stories we’ve filmed of members of our community as they release in upcoming weeks.

Hand in hand with these stories, we are excited to announce our 30th Anniversary Matching Campaign. Until the end of 2024, your donation will be doubled across all fundraisers and donations thanks to the generosity of SRNA’s board of directors, who will match every dollar raised up to $200,000. Your gift will directly support our mission to empower, educate, and support those affected by rare neuroimmune disorders.By contributing, you are making it possible for more individuals like Francisco to thrive.