View Photos from the 2015 New Jersey Walk-Run-N-Roll

Welcome! We are walking for the fourth year in a row to increase awareness and raise funds for research and programs that the Transverse Myelitis Association offers.

Transverse Myelitis, is a rare disease that affects the spinal cord and often times causes paralysis in hundreds of people across the country each year.  This Walk, originally started in 2012 by the Spaeth/Edwards family, continues the tradition to broaden the spectrum of people invited and involved. Let’s come together to support those we love with TM and to walk for a cure!

Come join us at the same place we were last year, inside the track. The Event will begin with Registration from 9:30 to 10:00 am, followed by the walk at 10:00 on Saturday, April 25th, at Cooper River Park, North Park Drive, in Pennsauken, NJ. Look for the white canopies & blue ballloons.

Whether you walk the river, walk the track, or simply come to visit and support, we would be so grateful for your presence!  Thank you in advance for helping us make this event a success!!

Thanks so much!

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