Due to COVID-19, SRNA has made the decision with the advice of our Medical & Scientific Council to suspend all in-person events for 2020.
The 2020 Wisconsin Walk-Run-N-Roll will be moved to an online platform. See below for more details.
Beginning in June 11, you can head to the event page at the link under RSVP at the bottom of this message. From there you can create a profile, choose the distance you are pledging to go, and the method you will use (walk, run, or roll).
You will have until Saturday, September 12 to reach your goal. You can walk, run, or roll at home, around your block, at the gym, etc. Along the way, you can ask friends and family to donate to help keep you motivated.
We will provide incentives along the way, too!
When you create your profile we will send you a welcome email with tips and tricks for fundraising success. Once you reach $100 we will send you an exclusive shirt to wear! Along the way we’ll keep you informed with podcasts, symposia videos, and more that share vital education about rare neuroimmune disorders.
All this culminates on Saturday, September 12 with our first ever Virtual Walk, Run, and Roll event. More details to come – but prepare for a live event with speakers and an opportunity to meet others (virtually) to share experiences. There may even be prizes!
Please reach out to Jeremy Bennett at [email protected] or Maleah Moskoff at [email protected] with any questions.
Thank you to Maleah for organizing this event!
SRNA is excited for this opportunity to bring together the members of our community to share stories, experiences, and form lasting relationships all while increasing awareness of these rare neuroimmune disorders. Funds raised from events such as this allow SRNA to continue to offer educational programs (“Ask the Experts” podcasts, the Rare Neuroimmune Disorders symposium, James T. Lubin Fellowship, and Quality of Life camp) and to support groundbreaking research.
Register for the 2020 WI WRNR