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About our Guest Speaker
Marissa Shackleton, MS
The Elliot Lewis Center
Marissa Shackleton is the Executive Director at The Elliot Lewis Center in Wellesley, Massachusetts. The Elliot Lewis Center is a comprehensive care center for patients with multiple sclerosis and other neurologic disorders. Marissa has been part of the ELC team since 2011; she oversees the daily operations of the center, directs all aspects of the infusion center, supervises the clinical research program and manages the business.
Marissa is particularly passionate about access to care and affordable treatment for patients. She strives to educate patients and practitioners on health insurance, overcoming barriers to treatment and financial assistance options. She is a national speaker on access, reimbursement, infusion centers, site of care, and practice management.
In addition to her work at The Elliot Lewis Center, Marissa is the Director of Development for The ELC Foundation, a nonprofit organization developed to assist patients with multiple sclerosis and their families. She serves on the Board of Directors for the Infusion Access Foundation and The Sumaira Foundation for NMO. She is also a member of the Advisory Committee for the National Infusion Center Association. Marissa is an alumna of the Marathon Strides Against MS Team, running the Boston Marathon in 2017, 2018, & 2019 raising funds for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
This education series is made possible through a patient education grant from Horizon Therapeutics.*
* The Executive Committee of SRNA with the medical and scientific council determines the content and topics of the podcasts. Sponsors are not able to influence the education program.
Learn more about ABCs of NMOSD podcast series here.