View Photos from the 2015 UCF Men’s Lacrosse Walk-Run-N-Roll

It was December 27, 2006 when what was a “perfect” life turned into a nightmare. Sarah woke up with excruciating lower back pain, which then led her to collapsing on the floor, resulting in her brother carrying her into the doctor’s office. As a 14 year old and partially paralyzed from the waist down, Sarah thought her life had come to an end. With the love and support of her nine siblings and two faithful parents, she remained positive as she was bed-ridden for three weeks. When the moment came to be released from the hospital, a tear fell from her Doctor’s eyes when she was able to stand up for him right before his eyes. The doctor was in disbelief seeing the dire situation she was in and now she was the first of all his patients with transverse myelitis to regain the ability to walk.

At that moment she knew it was a miracle for her to have the blessing to live a normal life after having Transverse Myelitis. With inpatient rehab and six months of outpatient rehab, Sarah is now walking and puts her remaining disabilities aside as she lives life as a normal 21 year old.

Sarah is partnering up with the University of Central Florida Men’s Lacrosse team to help raise money and awareness for transverse myelitis! The goal of the “UCF Knights Lacrosse Leads the Charge for Transverse Myelitis Awareness” is to increase awareness and raise funds for research and programs for individuals suffering from Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM), Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO), Optic Neuritis (ON), Transverse Myelitis (TM) and Recurrent Transverse Myelitis, and their caregivers.

Our target financial goal is to raise $10,000. We need YOUR help! please join us on April 18, 2015 on the ucf memory mall on campus for the walk-run-n-roll.  Afterwards, we invite you to stay as UCF takes on Rollins College; face-off begins at 7:00 PM.  We look forward to a great turnout to support The Siegel Rare Neuroimmune Association.