Recap: SRNA’s 2023 Regional RNDS

SRNA partnered with The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center to host the 2023 Regional Rare Neuroimmune Disorders Symposium (RNDS) on October 7, 2023. The one-day event featured 15 speakers and brought in over 50 attendees, consisting of patients and their family members and caregivers. Speakers presented on a variety of topics, including symptom management, acute and long-term treatments, and urological management. There were also workshops on cognition and depression, rehabilitation, and care for caregivers. Finally, talks were given on the latest MOGAD and NMOSD clinical trials, advances in pain management, AQP4/MOG tolerization research, and the latest developments in the Q Study: Study to Investigate the Safety of the Transplantation of Human Glial Restricted Progenitor Cells into Patients with Transverse Myelitis.

All videos from the symposium will be made available on the SRNA website.

We are hosting a Virtual RNDS on Saturday, November 11, 2023, and a Spanish RNDS on Saturday, December 2, 2023. Please direct any patients who may be interested in attending either of these virtual education symposia to our website here.