Two Ironman Racers Raise Funds for SRNA

Roderick: Inspired to Race in Honor of his Wife

In  May of 2021, Roderick’s wife, Erin, woke up experiencing numbness in her limbs. She was unable to walk and was rushed immediately to the emergency room. The doctors could not explain the reason for this extreme and sudden change, so she was discharged and sent home with painkillers.

Erin’s condition worsened over time. After multiple ER visits and weeks of hospitalization, treatment, and physical therapy, Erin was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis.

Roderick was so inspired by his wife’s courage, strength, and resiliency in the face of this unexpected diagnosis, that he raced in the Ironman Atlantic City 70.3 on September 12, 2021, in Erin’s honor. He also decided to use his participation in this event to help increase awareness of rare neuroimmune disorders and raise funds for SRNA in order to help families facing similar challenges.

“We’re thankful to have SRNA to rely on. It has been our main resource for support and information,” Roderick says.

Roderick surpassed his fundraising goal and raised over $2,300. Thank you, Roderick, for your very generous donation and for honoring Erin by advocating for others in the rare neuroimmune disorders community.

Alyssa:  Racing to Celebrate Recovery and Help Others

When Alyssa was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis in 2012, she was training to run her first registered race. She never got to run it. Instead, she found herself in training to relearn how to perform simple tasks to get her through daily life.

Alyssa says TM was the toughest physical and mental challenge she has ever encountered. Because she was diagnosed very early on, Alyssa was able to receive immediate and effective treatment. This resulted in her making a full recovery after nine years of fighting TM.

“When I was initially diagnosed, SRNA helped me feel less alone,” says Alyssa. “SRNA is an organization that truly works daily to continue to improve the quality of life of individuals with rare neuroimmune disorders.”

On June 27, 2021, Alyssa ran in the Ironman 70.3 Steelhead in Benton Harbor, Michigan. She celebrated her recovery and used the occasion to advocate for others who have rare neuroimmune disorders by raising funds for SRNA.

Alyssa crossed the finish line and surpassed her fundraising goal by raising over $5,800. Thank you, Alyssa, for your generous donation and for helping the rare neuroimmune disorder community!