National Volunteer Week
In celebration of National Volunteer Week, we express gratitude to all our volunteers (past and present) for their efforts. Only through the time and talent donated by our volunteers is it possible for us to achieve our mission.
Whether organizing an awareness event or holding a support group, their contribution is priceless. If you’ve attended one of our Walk-Run-N-Roll events you might wonder how it all comes together. It’s through the determination of our volunteers and their friends and family, who make countless phone calls to local businesses for sponsorships and donations; set up tables, tents, and decorations (and then take them all down); and work with the park management to provide an accessible event for all attendees. Additionally, our support group leaders answer emails and phone calls from members all while dealing with a rare neuroimmune diagnosis themselves, or the diagnosis of a loved one.
Volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization. Not only do they help deliver our programs and services; they also serve as ambassadors for SRNA within the community. National Volunteer Week is an opportunity for all of us to recognize and thank our volunteers for the impact they have on our organization.
From all of us at SRNA, THANK YOU!