Accepting Applications to the SRNA Quality of Life Family Camp

Do you have a pediatric patient diagnosed with a rare neuroimmune disorder? They may enjoy meeting other kids and families at SRNA’s Quality of Life Family Camp! We invite families to apply to this year’s camp on our website here.

Every year, SRNA invites children in our community, along with their families, to attend a fully accessible camp for five days. The children are able to experience the joys and adventures of summer camp no matter their diagnosis or level of disability. Families find comfort in shared experiences and learn from one another’s journeys. We also invite medical professionals to attend and host education sessions for parents. Camp is an invaluable experience for both the families and medical professionals who attend.

Camp is held at Morgan’s Wonderland Camp in San Antonio, TX. There is no cost for families to attend, other than travel costs they may incur to arrive at camp. SRNA, in partnership with Morgan’s Wonderland Camp, provides lodging and all meals on-site during the event dates.

This year’s Quality of Life Family Camp will be held June 30 – July 4, 2024. We invite you to share the camp application with families who are eligible to attend. If you are a medical professional who is interested in attending camp as a volunteer to help lead education sessions for parents, please contact  Rebecca Whitney at [email protected].

Other articles in this issue

Every year, SRNA invites children in our community, along with their families, to attend a fully accessible camp for five days.

This year, SRNA will have a booth in the expo area at the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers Annual Conference!

SRNA recently launched an online micro-course for patients, “Understanding Rare Neuroimmune Disorders."

We are excited to share that Kennedy Krieger Institute International Center for Spinal Cord Injury is an SRNA Center of Excellence in Rare Neuroimmune Disorders!

Our Ask the Expert series allows healthcare providers to answer questions about various topics, including their research and clinical trials.

Check out a compilation of recently published research publications relating to rare neuroimmune disorders.

We would love to connect with you, support your clinic, and invite you to participate in our education and support programs.