COVID-19 Updates and Survey Opportunity

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, SRNA has kept an updated information page to keep our community informed on the latest updates throughout the pandemic. We compiled resources and information on the status COVID-19 and rare neuroimmune disorders, and we asked members of our Medical and Scientific Council to give the expertise into how COVID-19 may impact people diagnosed with ADEM, AFM, MOGAD, NMOSD, ON, and TM. Some of the resources are:

For a full list of resources, please visit the COVID-19 section of our Resource Library. The information and resources provided are meant to be an educational resource and do not constitute medical advice. For specific information about treatments, symptoms you may be experiencing or questions about personal exposure as someone with a rare neuroimmune disorder or as a caregiver, please contact your physician directly.

Dr.Benjamin Greenberg will be giving a talk on COVID-19 and Rare Neuroimmune Disorders at our upcoming Virtual Rare Neuroimmune Disorders Symposium (RNDS). The RNDS will take place this Saturday, August 29th and is free to attend. You can register for the event here.

SRNA recently launched a research study, Experiences during COVID-19 Pandemic Among Those with Rare Neuroimmune Disorders. The intention of this research project is to describe the experiences of individuals with rare neuroimmune disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are interested in participating in the study, you can find information and the link to sign up on the study page here.

If you have any questions about COVID-19 and rare neuroimmune disorders, please share them with us using this form.